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Our Consultants
Every member of the Telecommute Connecticut consultant team is tops in their field, and their services are available to you at no charge.
Our highly qualified specialists provide expert assistance with every aspect of a successful telecommuting program including:
- Goal setting
- Proposal Writing
- Program Design
- Training
- Human Resources
- Technology & Telephony

Laura Collins has been part of the Telecommute Connecticut project team since 1999, providing Human Resources support to organizations by developing and customizing telecommuting materials that fit their unique culture, their managers, and their people.
Laura helps to implement telecommuting pilots and track results. She also provides training to teleworkers, managers and co-workers, increasing the likelihood of a successful program, sustained levels of productivity and heightened employee morale.
Laura's company, Collins Group, is a Human Resources consulting firm that brings over twenty years of corporate experience to business leaders, helping them to manage, motivate and retain their best people. She is past VP of Staffing and Development in the finance arena, and headed the HR function for Sales & Marketing of a global pharmaceutical company. Laura holds a BS degree from Western Connecticut State University, is a certified "Senior HR Professional" through the Society for HR Management (SHRM), and is an Adjunct Professor in the field of Human Resources at Gateway Community College.

Rick has been part of the Telecommute Connecticut project team since 1999, working closely with clients to evaluate their current IT deployments as a method of assisting them in maximizing resource utilization while implementing telecommuting.
Rick is the founder and Senior It Consultant of Business IT Strategies, LLC, a national Connecticut-based consulting company that works with businesses on their Information Technology needs.
Dr. Bassett is also an Associate Professor of Management Information Systems at Western Connecticut State University. He has authored several articles including:
- The Security Threats Faced By Telecommuters
- Minimal Steps Required To Secure A Local Area Network
- The Security Concerns Faced by Telecommuters
- The Technology Decision Challenges Which Growing Companies Face
Rick is actively involved with technology endeavors of numerous nonprofit organizations including: The Children's Center, Bridges of Milford, North Haven Rotary Communicare and the Amber Alert System. He holds a Doctorate in Computing Studies from Pace University. His personal website is: www.rickbassett.com

Since 1999, Carolyn has provided voice communications consulting for a multitude of Telecommute Connecticut clients including small businesses, healthcare organizations, professional service firms, and insurance companies. Her reports for each client includes guidelines and recommended solutions for meeting the voice network and equipment needs of their offsite staff who were interested in telecommuting as a means to work efficiently and cost effectively.
As a consultant and project coordinator, she has assisted in all phases of telephone equipment management including: telephone needs analysis and equipment upgrade evaluations, RFP development and evaluation, project coordination for relocation, and new installation of client telephone networks and systems.
Carolyn has over 24 years of experience in telecommunications -- including Telecom Manager for a multi-site national alarm monitoring company, Customer Service Manager for two Connecticut interconnect telephone companies, and telecommunications trainer for a large equipment service provider serving Fortune 500 companies. As a Director with Partner Consulting, a full service voice communications consulting firm, Carolyn focuses on meeting the needs of mid-to-large sized companies who are challenged by change and transition as they select and implement IP telephony solutions.
She holds a Bachelor's Degree in English from Kalamazoo College in Michigan, a Master's Degree in Educational Communications from SUNY at Albany, and a Master's Degree in Library and Information Science from SUNY at Albany. Prior to entering telecommunications, she was a teacher, a library media specialist/video coordinator and Peace Corps volunteer and staff trainer.